Thursday 5 May 2011

whEn i mIss U

When I Miss You

We say back and forth,
Repetitions of I miss you,
I love you,
I can't live without you by my side
But I don't believe you
If you missed me,
You would have come back,
After that awful night,
Which started with me crying on the floor,

And ended with me crying in bed, naked,
Huddling into the sheets,
Hoping if I press hard enough,
Maybe I'll dissipate
I know that scared you
Even though you held me,
And wiped away my tears with gentle kisses,
You were worried,
That in my attempt to hide from the world,
You would be pushed away too
And so you've been avoiding me,
You still text and make kissy faces,
But you never come over anymore,
Or watch a movie with me
All you do is hide,
Behind those beautiful 'Miss You's

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